Daniela Ortiz and Stalker
Enacting public space, decolonial artistic practices

Daniela Ortiz – Creative Time Summit 2019, NY

A comparison between Italian, Spanish and Latin American artistic practices dealing with the persistence, in the public space of many cities, of symbols, architecture, and stories related to the colonial and imperialist past. What does adopting a decolonial approach in the artistic field mean? How to interact with the communities that informally inhabit public space, in fragile places that require care and presence and that are often left on the sidelines of officially recognized stories? How to recover and disseminate anti-hegemonic historical narratives?

The artist and activist Daniela Ortiz (Cusco, Peru) and the Roman collective of architects, activists, and researchers Stalker (Giulia Fiocca, Lorenzo Romito) have reflected on these issues starting from their own practices, proposing two artistic approaches that re-politicize historical memory through interventions on public heritage.

The video interview is available on Youtube – Hidden Histories.


Stalker – Camminata al quartiere EUR, Roma