Prinz Gholam and Martin Germann
Sweet Sun Speaking Similitude

The artistic duo Prinz Gholam, in conversation with the curator Martin Germann, presents the book PRINZ GHOLAM. Sweet Sun Speaking Similitude, published by Spector Books in 2020, which highlights the last years of their artistic production. 

Since 2001 Prinz Gholam has been dealing through performance with the self and the body as cultural constructs. In the actions they perform together, the two artists succeed in revealing and breaking through the patterns of our iconographic heritage, consciously or unconsciously rooted in our collective imagination.

Their artistic practice is illustrated in this artist’s book that maintains the spirit of the self-published booklets printed by Prinz Gholam in recent years. The rich photographic apparatus traces a selection of performances carried out in the last fifteen years, including the work they did for documenta 14 in 2017. The two essays by Rawi Hage and Madeleine Thien also offer a personal take on the work of the German Lebanese duo.

To watch the conversation, click here.